Mon, 27 June 2016
In this episode our heroes are joined by Alice Rees, Birmingham regionals winner, to discuss The Liberated Mind. What a noble path we have set for ourselves. With an emptied mind we can go into this podcast free from the burdens of the world outside. Rising out of the ashes like the Netrunner card Out of the Ashes to rebirth into... a turning wheel of waivers and... vanilla ice is here with his latest single. Not to be missed probably! |
Sun, 26 June 2016
This is a live show we recorded at the UK Games Expo 2016. With special guest Quintin Smith from Shut Up and Sit Down. We have a good old natter about the world of Netrunner as well as taking questions from the audience. |
Mon, 13 June 2016
In this episode our heroes are joined by Scottish Regionals Champ Seamus. The man who puts the Arg! in Argus shares with us his war stories from the tournament as well as why with his decks it’s best to be aggressive b-e aggressive b-e a-g-g-r-e-s-s-i-v-e aggressive b-e aggressive! (clap clap)! |