Tue, 26 May 2015
In this episode our heroes are joined by Teamwork Cast's very own Krystian Majewski and we talk about deck economy as out main topic but we also talk about other things and those other things are sometimes Netrunner related and this is a really long sentence but it’s not as long as the longest published English sentence which is about 13,955 words. Thanks Wikipedia! |
Mon, 11 May 2015
In this episode our heroes discuss the newest data pack, Breaker Bay. We have answers to all your questions! As long as your questions are related to the cards in this data pack. Not questions like “Should I get back together with my ex?” That is not our remit! However I will say that even though they’ve been looking hot on Facebook recently, hotness doesn’t make up for the way they treated you at that picnic. Eady and I both agree that you can do better! |